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Angelica Aristizabal

1977, Bogotá-Colombia

...mi pintura es mi raíz, evoca la fuerza de mis antepasados,
En ella se funden la esencia aborigen con el momento contemporáneo. Envuelve la mística más profunda de mis entrañas y retoma
La fidelidad que sólo la tierra puede darme.
Mi pintura es el lazo inconcluso extendido entre
Lo que fuímos y este inevitable presente violador…


Angélica Aristizábal, is an empiric artist and since she was very young discovered her passion for the art. She had a professional academic training in the Mass Media Communication and Journalism School of the “La Sabana” University, profession that she alterned with oil painting and poetry.

Her artistic training started since 1993 in the Oil painting techniques shop of Master Maria Cristina Vallejo and in the last year at the Maria Elena Salazar shop intruding a little bit more in the acrylic painting.

Between canvas and poems she participated in the XVI meeting of the Colombian Women organized by the Omar Rayo Museum (Roldanillo-Valle, July, 1998) participating with the book “On the Wings Tone”. On October of the year 1997, she obtained the second position in the contest of annual poetry of the “La Sabana” University with five poems belonging to the same book.

During her trajectory, her painting has passed through different pictorial conditions, beggining with a figurative art, passing through a color study and abstraction of the natural exterior World, and is currently focused in the abstract art; looking for, above all, the harmony in the color and the shapes, intending to cath the attention in a moment in which the duration of the tone just count with the precise instant between the spectator and the eye.

In her painting she uses materials wasted from metal and iron, evoking the mysticism of the World and of her aborigine ancesters that lived in the territory In which she was born. Her current work : TYHYBA, means bowels in the Chibcha language, and on it she captures all her force with the mineral materials on an ethnic polichromy.

Monólogo del óxido

Me fundo como cualquier metal sobre el lienzo pálido,
Me fundo incondicional con la fuerza inherente de cada partícula,
Interiorizo la fuerza de mi hicha (tierra)…
Evoco mis sasbizas (antepasados) y sin mas…
El público me encuentra vislumbrante… soy óxido,
El paso del tiempo, hasta mi, también llegó,
Sólo le pido que esto quede Chie Chi Huina (Entre Nosotros)…