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Roman Žalac

Roman Žalac was born in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, on April 7, 1970. He immigrated to the United States when he was in his early twenties. When he was a child, he had an interest in and an aptitude for the arts, but due to life’s circumstances he did not pursue them. It was not until 2003 that he picked up a brush. Since then, he has been experimenting with many mediums, but he finds oil to be most satisfying.

Roman has resided in Miami since 1997. Living in Miami has influenced both the theme and color of many of his paintings. Indeed, the human experience as it interacts with urban society intrigues him. He especially enjoys the challenge of capturing the female essence and her power as she struggles to reconcile her sexuality with her spirituality. Although living in the city has its impact, the motifs and backspashes of many of his paintings are European since its impression is also strong.