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Elisabeth Witte

When Elisabeth's father died, the only physical thing left that meant anything to her were his paintings. Elisabeth realized then that when her day comes, she too wants to be able to bless as many people as she possibly can with something of herself; her paintings.

Elisabeth Witte is a Swedish artist who resides in Mississippi where she is capturing the light of the south in her paintings "Spirit of South".
"Light is all colors, vibrant, alive and it makes me feel vibrant and alive. I find inspiration everywhere I look. I wake up and see the Cardinal sitting singing on my porch, and he'll inspire my colors that day. Nature paints for me... my education just gave me the technique, nature gives me passion and inspiration, " says Elisabeth.

Having lived all over the world, Elisabeth feels she has no country she can call "home", the world is her home.
"I don't know who I am other than that I am an artist, I'm nobody and everybody".
As long as she is able to paint, she is happy. It is her life and her passion. Her biggest joy is when her work touches a heart and that person brings her art home. In a sense, that gives her a home.