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Estelle Kromah

Photographer and sociologist, Estelle Kromah was born in Lausanne Switzerland in 1976.

It is at 27 years old, graduate from the University of London (Sociology, Environment & World Religions) and living in New York, that her photographical identity will stand out as main communication vector.

She will then exhibit a work of portraits on the controversial New York society, its contradictions and its multi-ethnical treasures, NEW YORK TIME in 2006 at the FNAC PHOTO GALLERY in Switzerland.

Back to Lausanne in 2005, challenged by the Swiss people’s extreme conformism and lack of individualism, she carries out a socio-cultural approach with a serie of black and white portraits of citizens, atypical and originals by their exterior appearance, with the intent of claiming the importance of authenticity amongst humans and emphasize on an oppressing, rather absurd notion of ‘normality’.

ATYPIC URBAN CONCEPT, the first outdoor exhibition, which rose big controversy, took place in April 2006 at the heart of the city of Lausanne as posters on billboards. That artwork, renamed 'THE SWISSAUTHENTICS' was extended onto the whole Swiss territory, country often perceived from the outside in a cliché and biaised manner, revealing one of its aspects as misunderstood as ragged.

Estelle Kromah’s artwork, from humanist influence, defends the richness of difference and claims freedom of choice. Her portraits inspiring tenderness as sometimes reflecting reality’s violence seem to have that ability to trigger imagination as well as a reflexion on tolerance.