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Jonel Scholtz

I am an expressionist impressionistic artist. My paintings create domestic scenes in hues conveying intensely subjective and evocative interior spaces. I live with my husband and daughter on a farm in the North West region of South Africa. That is were the light in my paintings come from. My works – dominated by reds, browns and yellows – depict intimate rooms and worn furnishings that seem to emerge from some eternal dream of rural tranquility.

The warm interior scenes always include a frame of some sort, often doors and windows, occasionally picture frames. This recurring theme calls attention to rites of passage and socialization (many paintings include young children) and the gendered organization of space – the homes in my works are distinctly feminine, with women and young girls often gazing out windows and through doorways. These visual cues also draw your eye to light, as it passes across thresholds and over surfaces, casting an inviting glow. While clearly figurative, my paintings’ expressive qualities evoke the safety and comfort of the ideal home in our collective imagination.

As you can see my paintings come from a simple life as a mother and wife and develops into all the complicated aspects that makes up a soul. I believe that a canvas does not lie and therefore to be true to what you are is the biggest gift you can give yourself and others around you.