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Anibal Gomescasseres

Artificial satisfaction.
Anibal Gomescasseres.
Visual Artist.

The work takes place around a social behavior more and more developed and concrete in their mechanisms of conquest: the intake system on the market today. Using as principal language mechanisms of contemporary advertising, are revealed after pictures of attractive colors intentions that go beyond the aesthetic. This is all code designed to attract consumers willing to take great cost to access elements that promise satisfaction, not only for its practical function, but by a feeling of pleasure and illusory security distorting contradictory urban settings. In this order, the individual acquires and holds a subordinate status that ensures a mechanism of serious social, environmental and cultural consequences, among others. In this context I explore the emergence of technological devices and marketing techniques, and how these have become a key language for the construction of contemporary society. Some of the most outstanding qualities of this cosmopolitan architecture are the use of shiny materials like acrylic, aluminum and steel. Also I refer to massive reproduction techniques, however respecting the individuality and uniqueness of each piece of art. The irony then, is the main factor of this work, as is appropriate to attract advertising concepts to reveal just psychotic and selfish behavior of consumer spending; behaviors which have nothing to do with the daily difficult and complex situation that is facing the society.