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Christos Georgoudakis

Minimalistic Sculptures with Metal Pipes

Creating sculptures for me is one way to express my artistic aspiration which is executed as I create three dimensional forms by any means. The minimalistic sculptures of this art series reflect the art of movement which are designed and created with metal pipes. The means by which I create these sculptures are metal pipes, circular saw, welding, and blow torch. My influences and inspirers in this sculpture series range from graphic symbols, to Cycladic sculptures and to the modern sculptures of Brancusi, Botero, Rodin, Giacometti, Moore, Campo, Arsipenko, and Tatlin among others.

In my creative research I emphasize the perception of movement, an object or a design, in the sense of how it works. With my sculptures I give soul and movement to these objects without copying reality but by merely transforming it. The usage of color in some of my sculptures dramatically acts while pointing out the objectives of a series of movements.

Today in our ever-changing society, I strongly believe that the artist is called on to create the future by reading the past.