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Ramona Pintea

Artist Statement

“My personal joy, love of life and radiant colors are the backdrop for my art work. As my paintings are often an expression of my dominant moods or thoughts, I mostly create art that is uplifting, evocative, rich in color and sentiment.”

Ramona was born at the foothills of Tampa Mountains in Transylvania and educated in cosmopolitan, vibrant London. Her spirited persona draws confidently on these contrasting influences, exploring the life journey with great aplomb, boldness and vitality. Her artwork reflects her joyful outlook, bringing emotion and meaning through bold colors, tones and texture.

Ramona Pintea’s current collection invites us to an uplifting journey into the world of feminine emotion. Using bright and optimistic tones, Ramona explores defining moments in a woman’s life journey, from the inceptive yearning for a soul mate, on to deep, sensual and passionate love. The joyful moments continue with the bliss of carrying an unborn child and the pride and nurturing love for one of our greatest wonders, a new born.

Whether expressed through a flower’s simple and natural beauty, a lover’s affectionate embrace or joyful maternal pride, Love seems to be abundant. The paintings artfully combine sensitivity and freshness to remind us of the beauty within and around us, vividly emphasizing that, as Beatles put it “all we need is love”.