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Luisa Vasquez

On my view the art becomes precisely in great scenery to capture the actual reality, in that way as a publicist, artist and interior designer, I gave wings to my creativity and imagination and give life to lost cities. I define my work as an abstract one and so, make use of the earth’s elements to express them on canvas and wood boards under the palimpsest technique; it allows me to work more than once on a surface all ready used with other works to recreate new paintings more capes and superimpose materials.

My work is represented in paintings that reflects my artist’ sentiments, in which every spectator will make his own interpretation about lost cities created for me, and sell in foreign, specially on the united states of America, where I got the Mention of Honor “Woman in the Art”.

The intolerance and the chaos that we live day after day in Bogotá, is a product of pertinence that people of foreign regions don’t appropriate for themselves, the capital is lost and it doesn’t find a clear identity because no one appropriate it as well and left it behind; in lost cities I’m trying to reflex this lost of pertinence through my painting.